Greetings Advanced Composition II "MIDNIGHT OWL" Students! Welcome to our class "web-log"! This is the site that you can visit to learn to learn how to learn to improve your ACADEMIC WRITING SKILLS! Remember that we are a "TEAM" and that I am not the Professor, but the "FACILITATOR" of this course. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, right? Of course, I still determine your grade, but only you can really make yourself learn! Go for it!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

STEPS TO TAKE IN WRITING A TIMED WRITING!Take about one minute to plan. You should organize your ideas into two body paragraphs and an introduction and conclusion. You will only have 30 minutes to write ... that means that you must plan what you are going to say carefully so that it will enjoyable and not a confusing and messy painful task ...

grabber sentencetwo or three sentences that lead to the thesis statementTHE THESIS STATEMENTBODY
TOPIC SENTENCE: The first reason… First of all, …[transition]End of your paragraph you can add a sentence like conclusion. [therefore, blah blah blah]
TOPIC SENTENCE: In addition to [whatever I mentioned in the first paragraph] … another… [transition]At the end of your paragraph you can add a sentence like conclusion. [therefore, blah blah blah]CONCLUSIONRestatement of the thesis statementTWO or THREE sentences that lead up to the final comment…FINAL COMMENT … “If everyone …” “Perhaps we all,” “If only all of the people…”


WH Questions: Who where why what when and how

UNITY:each paragraph has only one idea and one idea only. Moreover, each paragraph has a topic sentence, which serves as a contract to the reader…[topic sentence = contract]
COHERENCE:the entire paper is commanded by a logical format that uses coherent transitions to unify the main ideas... Thesis statement = of the entire paper or work
Reader responsible = stereotype Chinese more “vague” because it leaves more to the reader’s imagination and the reader must play and active part in the comprehension of the text at hand. vs
Writer responsible = the writer must be sure to place a number of “sign posts” for the reader to follow so that s/he can “digest” the text rapidly and efficiently.
AVOID USING FIRST PERSON… AND NEVER USE CONTRACTIONS (I’m, can’t, won’t) [con+ tract+ion]… AND PLEASE DON’T BEGIN SENTENCES FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so); coordinating conjuctions: however, therefore, thus, moreover, nevertheless,



Have you ever had a friend who seemed like she had everything one minute and, at the drop of a hat, suddenly was left crying in the rain with nothing? This reminds me of my Aunt Sally, who always liked to gamble her future on luck. Is it wise to spend your life waiting for good fortune to come your way? Or is it smarter to concentrate on your job and be dedicated to one specific career. I believe that people succeed in life due to hard work because luck is unreliable and people who work hard are more motivated to learn more about their jobs.
First of all, hard work is a key factor to success over luck is because when luck comes, we are often fooled into thinking that it will always come our way. For example, you can visit a casino and make a million dollars but if you are not wise, you may lose your money the next day. If you had worked hard for this huge amount of money, you would maybe have been more careful in spending it. This is why many people who rely on luck and do not hard work end up more miserable later in their lives than when they were young. My uncle is a good example, for he used to gamble so frequently that he lost his family and all of his possessions. If he would have worked hard like my father, then he would definitely have an easier life.
Another reason why hard work is the key to success is that people who work hard are more motivated to learn about their jobs. do not think wealth is equal to success. Somebody who wins the lottery is really lucky. Edison, for example, was a very dedicated inventor who always asked how he could improve whatever he was working on. Although he made a thousand mistakes on his way to making the lightbulb, he was successful in the end because he was persistent. It is important to learn as much as possible about all aspects of your job because you never know when you will be asked to take on the leadership of the entire company.
To sum up, people who rely only on luck in life will usually become failures in the end because their luck is almost always limited and short term. Those who are dedicated to their jobs through hard work are usually more motivated to learn as much as possible about their work. If everyone were to stop relying only on luck and become motivated workers, the world would probably a safer and cleaner place. we welcome luck but we can not usually rely on it. On the other hand, hard work always represents a serious attitude toward one’s life. That is the secret of success.
[note: this was done briefly in class and we don't want to pretend that it is perfect...just a suggested way to change the essay as we worked on it in class...]


Some people say: luck is the most important factor for oness success, but I think people who always believe in luck are not practical. I believe that most people who succeed in life due to hard work.First of all, I do not think wealth is equal to success. Somebody who wins the lottery is really lucky. However, I do not think he really achieves great success in life. In my opinion, the identification of success is the affirmation of the self. If you get a high position or a lot of money just by luck, you will not be proud of it. Through hard work, you can affirm the value of your life. Another reason why I do not think that luck is the main cause for success, is that luck will never follow you all the time in your life. Most distinguished entrepreneurs make a success of their career because of hard work. Even the great inventor, Addison, passes more than a thousand times of failure for the invention of a light bulb. To sum up, we welcome luck but we can not usually rely on it. On the other hand, hard work always represents a serious attitude toward oness life. That is the secret of success.

Students: Please post your timed writings (30 minutes) using your choice of topic from the huge list that I gave you the first day of class, to this message:


  • At Sunday, October 16, 2005 3:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The core value of a successful company

    Although there are so many companies setting up one by one all the time in every country of the world. However, only few ones may exist for a couple of years, or even longer. Some are disappear, as far as we know, for maybe a couple of month, even worse, a couple of day. Many people may ask why there are few companies that can exist for such a long time, and how they can manage it so well, and what is the core value of a successful company. I am personally interested in the above-mentioned questions; meanwhile, they also can be discussed as follows:
    First of all, what is the definition of a successful company?The answers that are various still exist in every aspect. From my perspective; however, I would say no successful company could operate well and last for more than maybe a century without cherishing their employees, and that’s why I regard it as the core value of a successful company. A successful company must believe in the value of each employee. Not only is this essential, but it has to be such a part of the core values of the company that every effort is made to empower each and every employee to contribute in the realization of the goals of the company and the execution of its values. Secondly, In order to satisfy any customer, especially for their loyal ones, a company must continually focus on maximum quality effort. Without doing so, the company will not maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with their customers, and its reputation also could be ruined in the nearest future. Thirdly, the last but not the least, continuous improvement is almost could be the important principle of a successful company, and it must be a key component in the core values of a company. If you believe in continuous improvement and all of your suppliers share the same commitment, then your company will survive. Only those companies, which can continually innovate and renovate, can be last for a long time.
    In short, the last point to be stressed here is that, no matter what and how much investment companies have made in their marketing or human resources, the high-quality products have also to be created not only for their loyal customers, but also for anyone who is willing to buy their products, and I think that’s the another core value of a successful company. After all making money is essential for their success, and that is why they have gone into a company— to make money.

  • At Monday, October 17, 2005 4:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Topics:Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    Many people choose to see comic or humorous movie simply because it could release their everyday workload stress by a big laugh. And it is quite important to us to recover our energy to face many routine works next day. Especially when you are a sales manager, you have to try your best to achieve monthly sales target. Or, if you are a marketing supervisor, many new products launch plan and some kind of promotion schemes proposal wait for you to prepare all the time.

    For the above-mentioned reasons, many working people have a great need for stress relief. On the other hand, many experts claim that stress management has become a very important issue for us all nowadays. Stress relief or total relaxation can be obtained with many self-help methods. Maybe they will suggest you to take a walk or listen to relaxing music are both great methods, but do you laugh often ? When you go see a humorous movie that is good for you in handling your stress in real life. Humor is an effective way to relieve stress. Laughter leads to a cathartic release of emotion, therefore, to see a funny movie or humorous play. You’ll find yourself thinking about it after you get home, and often into the next day. I prefer to enjoy some comic or humorous movies rather than serious movies just because it could be a lubricator to ease my sentiment. For example, Jim Carrey makes the movie as humorous as it is, If you're looking for a good laugh, you’ll love his movie. Few comedians can master Jim Carrey's amazing techniques of exaggerated line deliveries and body movements. If you choose to see his movie, I guarantee you will like it.

    In short, though there are many different varieties of movies available in theaters nowadays; people have many options to choose a movie that was based on their personal preference. As for me, I would prefer a humorous or comic movie, which was primarily designed to amuse and entertain. However, you are the one that chooses what kind of movies you want to see, and be sure that you try to find some sorts of good quality ones as much as you can.


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